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Mzungu - Heike Rath

Aktualisiert: 16. Dez. 2021

You were not able to join us on the 29.06.2021 for our expert talk with Heike Rath? No worries, we have written everything you need to know down, right here.


Hey there, I am Heike Rath from the organization Lichtstrahl e.V.. Thanks for having me. My main area of expertise is intercultural communication and partners in Gulu.

If you have any questions after tonight, you can always contact me via UPfacts!


Key learnings of the evening:

  • You wonder what a Mzungu is? That is a term being used by Ugandans to describe a white person.

  • How safe is Uganda? Heike was threatened after finding out about corruption in her organization and letting that person face the consequences and hurting her pride with that. But the key message wasn't fear or anger, it was the feeling of being part of a community that stood up and protected her. Although she will always be the foreigner.

  • "It is okay." - One of the most common answers in Uganda (Alles gut). Heike advised to make the people around you aware that they can actually tell you if something is really okay or not. This is a cultural thing, that people are not used to.

  • Be careful in giving out personal contact information - people see and know that Mzungus have money, from the way we dress, from smartphones. People like you because they see the help you bring - not because of your personality.


Questions from the audience:

  • Do you have any tips on how not to sound arrogant whilst teaching? Be aware of what you can and what you can't. Explain why you are in the position to teach (i.e. that you went to school, that you have a certain kind of education, that your country now dealt for quiet some time to fight the pandemic compared to Uganda).

  • Do you try to educate people not directly involved in your organization? They have village social workers that go out in the villages. Moreover, they have mothers that sometimes walk for three hours to visit Lichtstrahl e.V., that they ask about important topics (i.e. HIV). They give soap to women who listen to them, so that the men see that something good comes out of education.

  • How do you deal with dishonesty and corruption? When she faced corruption she tried to be straight-forward and honest: "Do you really think I do this for myself? We can close this project, but your very own people will suffer from this." Same situation when she took in a boy in her orphanage, where suddenly the family came and complained that this is their boy (the wanted money in exchange). Heike replied "Well, then take him back and take care of him like you should. But I will not give you money." Expect from situations that could kill you.

  • How did you initially find partners in Gulu? Why that location? Her daughters religious school project in Gulu needed somebody to write a newspaper article about. After four years she built her own project with a local friend.

More information about Heikes journey in Uganda can be found in her journals:

Anything you like to add or ask? Write it into our comments!

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